QCS is writing to remind you that organic certificates must show the legal name of the certified operation. If your operation’s name is not a sole proprietorship (certified under an individual person’s legal name), QCS will need to verify documentation of the legal entity name during the 2022 renewal cycle. This applies to any operation that is certified as a corporation, partnership, company, association or operating under a fictitious name (doing business as, DBA).
Please see the chart below for the documentation that should be submitted with your next Organic System Plan renewal application.
Entity type |
Required documentation |
Sole Proprietorship operating under an individual name |
None |
Sole Proprietorship operating under an entity or fictitious name (DBA)* |
Entity name or fictitious name filing, if applicable in your state |
Partnership |
Partnership agreement and entity/fictitious name filing |
Limited Liability Company (LLC) |
Articles of Organization |
Corporation |
Articles of Incorporation |
Other (describe): |
Describe: |
*Registering a fictitious name or DBA is often a simple process that can be completed online with your states’ Division of Corporations, or corporation commission. If you are operating under fictitious name in a state that does not require DBA filing, both the legal name of the sole proprietor and the DBA will need to appear on the certificate. States that do not require DBA filings for sole proprietorships: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Kansas, Maryland, Mississippi, New Mexico, Nebraska, Ohio, Wisconsin, Wyoming
Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions at qcs@qcsinfo.org.