Here you can find information, documents, and portal access to keep your certification process moving forward.
Client Portal
As a QCS client, you can have access to all of your QCS information on the web through our Ecert Portal. This is a great tool that you can use to look up and print (in real time) a copy of your organic certificate, your inspection reports, your OSP, your certified products, and much more.
Document Library
Browse and download straight from a list of resources for all our certifications and offerings. Select the categories listed below or search for a specific document.
Video Tutorials
Wondering where to click while using our Client Portal? Unsure how to best use that spreadsheet we sent you? Watch our video tutorials and let QCS staff demonstrate first-hand how to get the most out of our online certification tools!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Learn the answers to questions we're most often asked about organic certification, Food Safety/G.A.P., and inspections.
Can't find that QCS client notice email from a few weeks ago in your inbox? Check here for the latest news and updates on our services and offerings.
COFT Training
This pilot project contains training material that will be used by a select group of teachers and students from June - Aug 2022. COFT stands for Certified Organic Farm Technician training. This is a Career and Technical Education Specialized Workforce Model offered by Florida Organic Growers.