European Union Organic

EU Organic
Organic farming is a fast growing area in EU agriculture. QCS proudly offers certification according to the QCS EU 834 Certifications Manual. In early 2022, the EU brought about new organic legislation to strengthen the control system, encourage small farmers to transition to organic, and expand the range of products that can be marketed as organic. Find out more at the links below.
View this 2-page document for more details. Click here for Espanol. You can also view our “Are You Ready for Inspection?” information sheet.
We can also offer US-based companies the US-EU Arrangement which allows for products whose final processing, packaging, or labeling occurs in the US to be traded into the EU as organic.
For more information, reach out to us on our Organic page, in an email to, or with a phone call to (352) 377-0133.
– Tell us about your business and certification desires.
– Hear about our services and offerings.
– Ask us any questions you have about the process, cost, timeline, etc.
– Receive a free application packet with the forms and resources you need to apply.
Certification Resources
Helpful Links
Regulation (EU) 2018/848
A summary of EU Organic Farming Legislation and links to the basic act, Regulation (EU) 2018/848 and its delegated and implementing languages are available in 24 languages on the European Commission website: Legislation for the organics sector. Click on the language icon at the top of the page to access the website content in on of 24 available languages. Access the authentic versions of the relevant acts from the Official Journal of the European Union in 24 languages at EUR-Lex by entering the regulation code in the search bar.
EU Regulations in Turkish/Türkçe AB Mevzuatı
EU Regulations in Indonesian/Peraturan UE dalam bahasa Indonesia
QCS Certification Resources